
INOAC Group's Compliance Philosophy

INOAC Group considers "Compliance" as a fundamental part of its business management policy.

We, INOAC, believe it is essential to not only comply with laws and regulations but also to promote ethical business activities to fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR) and meet the expectations of our stakeholders.

To achieve this, INOAC Group's top management continuously encourages all employees to be actively involved and to prioritize establishing an open environment where everyone can freely express their opinions.

Compliance Organization

In accordance with company regulations, including the "Compliance and Ethics Program" that applies to the entire INOAC Group, the Compliance Office is established as the organization dedicated to overseeing global compliance under supervision of Chief Compliance Officer ("CCO"), who is appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Compliance Office is responsible for implementing company regulations and managing INOAC Group's compliance activities worldwide.
Whenever necessary, the CCO reports to the Board of Directors on the status of compliance activities, and periodically reviews and reevaluates the Compliance Organization.

Specific Activities of the Compliance Office

Compliance Policy

The following policy is issued by the Compliance Office and universally applies to all INOAC's Group companies.


We conduct compliance training for all employees, including new graduates and mid-career hires, and focus on establishing a periodic training system through an E-learning system.

Internal Reporting System (Whistleblowing)

We have established a whistleblowing help desk (both internally and externally) where our employees can report any activities that are unethical or contrary to laws and regulations. By establishing such systems, we strive to detect and correct misconduct at an early stage and ultimately strengthen our management structure to be fair and sound.

This regulation for the Internal Reporting System applies to any person engaged in the INOAC Group business. Protection to whistleblowers are provided as follows:

1. We ensure the confidentiality of whistleblowers by protecting their identities.
2. We prohibit any disadvantageous treatment as a result of whistleblowing.
3. We take appropriate action to ensure the whistleblowing does not have an adverse impact on the working environment.
4. If a whistle blower has been complicit in the reported misconduct, disciplinary actions against the whistle blower may be exempted or reduced under certain conditions.

The "Mamoru" Project

We believe that early stage reporting of potential compliance issues is crucial for fostering a stronger corporate culture.
That's why we established the "Mamoru" Project, aimed at fostering a corporate culture in which every member of INOAC Group feels that they can comfortably and encouraged to informally report issues.

1. "Comply" with the rules
2. "Safeguard" your colleagues
3. "Protect" yourself

We hope that "Mamoru" will serve as a guiding principle for INOAC Group companies and employees around the world. And through the Compliance Policy and help desk established as part of the "Mamoru" initiative, INOAC Group's management encourages employees to actively and voluntarily speak up.