Company Profile

Company Overview

Foundation 1954
Capital fund 720 million yen
Representative Directors Chairman     Soichi Inoue
President & COO   Yasushi Nomura
Employees 1,874 (as of Apr. 1, 2024)
Sales amount 197,815 million yen (as of Dec. 2023)
Business description Development of functional materials based on polyurethane, rubber, plastics and composites, and manufacture of products utilizing these materials contributing to a variety of fields closely related to a daily life such as automotive, two-wheeled vehicles, information technology equipment, housing and construction materials, and consumer products.
Head Office 2-13-4 Meieki Minami, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0003, Japan map
Head Office (Tokyo) 4F West-city Bldg., 2-9-3 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan map
Plants Anjo, Sakurai, Kira, Shinshiro, Yana, Yana 2nd, Ishimaki, Nanno, Seino, Hanyu, Hadano, Uruma, Toyohashi and Taketoyo
Offices & Plants
Main sales branches and offices Tokyo, Chubu, Osaka, Kyushu, Sapporo, Tohoku, Hamamatsu and Hiroshima
Sales Division
Research Laboratory INOAC Technical Center Co., Ltd.
Jinno R&D Center
Overseas Locations North America, China, South Korea, Southeast Asia
Locations & Networks

Global sales Information (as of 2023)

■By business

By business

■By region

By region

Starting with tire business in 1926, INOAC have expanded its business into diverse fields.

Company Profile