This page answers frequently asked questions.


INOAC LIVING is an enterprise that delivers a convenient and enjoyable life of comfort by incorporating the various technologies and materials of INOAC, with its long list of achievements in the industrial field in Japan, into the products surrounding us in our everyday lives such as bedding, furniture, nursing care items and household goods.
Do you have a help desk for corporations?
We have a help desk for corporations covering wholesale sales, consignment production, and others. If you have a request, please Contact Us.
Do you provide employment opportunities?
We currently do not provide employment opportunities. When we have openings, the information is provided on our website.
What is INOAC?
INOAC is an established manufacturer of foam materials with many achievements in Japan’s industry. For more information, please visit the website at https://www.inoac.co.jp/

About Shopping

Where can I purchase your products?
Please use the online shop on our website.
Where can I see and check your products?
Some of our products can be seen in our shops and showroom.
How can I obtain assistance with your products?
We have a help desk for corporations; please Contact Us. The staff in charge will contact you shortly.

About Products

What is urethane?
Polyurethane is chemical foam made from polyol and isocyanate. Polyurethane offers a wide variety from rigid to flexible type, and also hard to soft materials, and is used for cushions, bedding and so on.
Is there any odor?
There is an odor for a short time after the product goes into use, but there are no hazardous substances that could cause the body any harm.
If the odor is of concern, please let it dry in the shade for a sufficient amount of time before use. It may take one to two weeks for the odor to disappear.

Questions for Corporations

About Business Terms
We have a help desk for corporations; please Contact Us. The staff in charge will contact you shortly.
Can I talk business?
We have a help desk for corporations; please Contact Us. The staff in charge will contact you shortly.